

Abortion Access Front

Abortion Care Network

Abortion Freedom Fund

Abortion Fund of Arizona

Advocates for Youth

All Families Healthcare, Whitefish, MT

All* In Action Fund

Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance

Apiary for Practical Support


Arkansas Abortion Support Network

Better Problems 

Beyond Do No Harm network

Birth Justice Bar

Black By God 


Brigid Alliance

Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants


CARE Bethesda

CARE Colorado

Care for All

Center for Advancing Innovative Policy (CAIP)

Center on Reproductive Health, Law, and Policy at UCLA Law

Centro Las Libres

Chicago Abortion Fund

Citizen Tech Collective


Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)

Columbia NOW (National Organization for Women)

DC Abortion Fund

Desert Star Institute for Family Planning

Drug Policy Alliance 

DuPont Clinic

Elephant Circle

EMA Fund

Exhale Pro-Voice

Faith Roots Reproductive Action

Family Planning Associates Medical Group, LTD

Feminist Women's Health Center

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin (TX) Social Action Council

Florida Access Network 

Forward Midwifery

Freedom Fund Inc

Fund Texas Choice

Global Justice Center

Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights (GRR!)

Holler Health Justice

Hope Clinic

Hydra Mutual Aid fund

Ibis Reproductive Health

Idaho Abortion Rights

If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice


Jamaica Plain Progressives


Justice Advocacy Network

Justice Empowerment Network (JEN)

Kentucky Health Justice Network

Kraft Sheley Law, LLC

Later Abortion Initiative

Lawyering Project

Lawyers for Good Government

Legal Voice

Medical Students for Choice

Men4Choice Advocacy

Midwest Access Coalition 

Midwest Access Project

Missouri Abortion Fund

Montana Abortion Access Program

Montanans for Choice Take Action

MYA Network

National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH)

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy 

National Health Law Program (NHeLP)

National Institute for Reproductive Health

National Women's Health Network

New Voices for Reproductive Justice 

New York Abortion Access Fund

Ohio Women's Alliance 

Our Bodies Ourselves Today

Partners in Abortion Care 

Personal PAC

Plan C

Prairie Abortion Fund

Pro-Choice Arizona

Pro-Voice Project



Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire

Reproductive Health Access Project

Reproductive Health Education in Family Medicine (RHEDI)

Right By You

Shout Your Abortion

SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change

State Innovation Exchange (SIX) Action

Tampa Bay Abortion Fund

Tara Health Foundation 

Texas Equal Access Fund (TEA Fund) 

2+ Abortions Worldwide

UC Berkeley Law Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice

Unitarian Universalist FaithAction New Jersey

upEND Movement

Utah Abortion Fund

Wild West Access Fund of Nevada

Women's Health Specialists of California


Adina Steen

Aimee R. Thorne-Thomsen

AJ cho

Akila Radhakrishnan

Alex Townsend

Allison Hile, MA

Alyssa Bisch

Amanda Jones

Amy Agnew 

Amy Garcia 

Amy Hecht-Zizes

Amy R Harrington, MD

Amy Saari

Amy Tingle

Andrea Grimes

Angie Wolfrum

Anje Monte Calvo

Anna Pikala

Anne Cavett

Anne McAndrew

Anne McCready Heinen

Anne Taylor

Annelle Taylor, NP

April Greene

Arlene Zaucha

Arpita Appannagari, MPH

Asha Hassan, MPH

Ashish Premkumar, MD PhD

Ashley Gruba

B. Grace McGarry

Barbara "Emma" Goldman-Sherman

Barbara B. Crane, PhD

Barbara Siddall 

Becca Rea-Tucker

Ben Zachrich

Benedict Landgren

Beth Cone

Bev Teague

Breanna Kompelien

Bree Jones

Bree Wallace 

Bruce Miller

Caitlin Bernard

Candice Zawoiski

Carol O'Neale Culnan

Caroline Hallman

Caroline R. O'Shea

Catherine Hennessey, MD 

Chantal Tape, MD

Chelsea Daniels, MD

Chris Pack

Chris Woodworth

Chrisinda M. Lynch

Christen Kimbell

Christina LR

Christina Shenko, MD

Christine Ratcliffe 

Claire Huntley

Corinne McLeod 

Cristina Aguilar

Cristina Paul

Cydney M. Murray, Esq.

Cynthia Kazaroff

daphne hanrahan - 

David L. Eisenberg, MD, MPH, FACOG

David Putnam

DeAnna Baumle, Esq., MSW

Deborah J Adams 

Deborah Wilson 

Debra Reuter

Diana Greene Foster, PhD

Diana Parker-Kafka

Diane Horvath, MD, MPH

Dorothy E. Roberts

Dylan Gasperik

Elise Belusa

Elise Higgins

Elizabeth A. Kissling, Ph.D. 

Elizabeth Morningstar

Ellyn Keith

Emily Groff

Emily Likins-Ehlers, Trauma Informed Doula Co.

Emily Wood

Emma Claire Humphries

Emory Williams

Enjoli Dominique Hall

Freddy Doss - Democratic National Committee Member (MO) 

Gabriella Petruzzello

Gentiana Loeffler 

Georgellen Burnett

Gina Kowerko

Graci D'Amore

Hannah Parkin

Hanz Dismer, LCSW, MSW, MPH, CSE

Hayley V. McMahon, MSPH, CPH

Heather Clark

Helen Bolton

Inger Sanderud-Nordquist 

Isabella Seelig

Isrealia Jado

Jaclyn Hogan

Jacquelyn Taylor

Jade Ransohoff, MPH

Jaime L. Ragos

Janel Geesey

Janet Parkinson

Jeannie Ludlow, PhD

Jen Moore Conrow

Jenet Morrow

Jenifer Hathaway

Jenifer McKenna

Jenna Bruxvoort

Jennifer Grinstead 

Jennifer Lincoln, MD

Jennifer Mineroff

Jessica Holmes

Jessica Lucey, MD

Jessica Sachariason

Jessica Valenti - Abortion, Every Day

Joey Banks MD

Jonah Ford

Josephine Urbina, MD MAS 

Joshua Harrison

Julia Oat-Judge MD

Julie C Peskoe

Julie L Frost

Julie Lynn

Julien Rose, Midwife

Karen Feisullin MD 

Kat Hartwig

Kate Burton

Katharine Bodde

Katie Louise Caldwell

Katie Woodruff, DrPH

Katrina Kimport, PhD, University of California, San Francisco

Kayleigh Malcomson

Kimberlynn Floren

Kirstie Margalit

Kris Lawler

Kristin Park

Kristyn Brandi MD MPH FACOG

Laura Hanks

Laura Leischner

Lauren Rankin

Layla Houshmand, PhD

Lena R. Hann, PhD, MPH

Libby Wetterer MD

Lily Jones

Lin-Fan Wang

Lindsay Beck

Lindsay Hesser

Lindsay Polega

Linton Freund

Liza Fuentes

Lora Dibner Garcia

Loree St Claire

Luisa McGarvey

M Goldstein

Madeline Grandy

Madiba K. Dennie

Madison Lyleroehr

Mai Fleming, MD

Mara Clarke

Margaret Henschel 

Mariame Kaba

Marie Jamila Khan

Marion Howard

Mark Valentine, MD, PhD

Mary Beth Canavan CNM

Mary Hickey 

Mary Katherine Drummer

Maureen Brinck-Lund

Megan Jeyifo

Megan K. Donovan

Megan Maas-Trefz

Melissa Hewitt

Michael Ramsey

Michele Ary

Michelle Oberman, JD, MPH

Molly Miller

Monika Nayak

Morgan Nuzzo

Nancy Parsons-Kanter, Ph.D.

Natalie Hopfield

Natalie Stites Means

Nathalie Peña

Nicole Lopez

Nicole Ramsey 

Nicolette Allen

Nikolai Clark Thabit

Olivia Stransky

Paige dee

Pamela Shaffer

Rachael Mitchell 

Rachel Kessler

Rachel Zimmerman 

Remy Ward

Robin Utz - Defending Grace

Rosa Topp RN

S. Louise Carr

Samantha Berg, MPH

Sarah duRivage-Jacobs

Sarah M Valliere, D.O.

Sarah Tuttle

Shannon Allsop

Shannon Bucci

Shari Ultman

Shayna Medinger

Sheila Gatton

Shelby Koenig, MS, CGC

Shelley Sella, MD

Sheri Wilson

Stacey Leigh Rubin, MD MPH

Stacy Sun

Steffen Vala

Stephanie Kraft Sheley, JD, MHA

Sue Meyers

Susan Rockwell

Susan Yanow

Suzanne Gibbs

Tim Bellis

Tina DiFeliciantonio

Tony Awojoodu

Tracy A Weitz, PhD, MPA

Tyler Barbarin

Ursula M

Ushma Upadhyay, PhD, MPH

Utkarsh Nath

Victoria Lambert

Zarah Rosen

Zoe Taylor MD MBA